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2020-2021 COVID Planning Guide


In-person Breakfast Club following guidelines given to us by the state of MN.

In this scenario, we will create 6 feet of social distancing during their time in line for food and have a safe distance enforced during the primary teaching time.  All volunteer staff will wear face masks and gloves during the event and maintain a safe social distance from students.


Distance viewing online.

Each student will receive an online link that will connect them with the livestream of Breakfast Club.  This option is available for students and families that would prefer to participate in Breakfast Club from their own homes.  This option will also be used for all students when we exceed our maximum number of allowed in-person attendees.


Breakfast Club will continue to follow the guidelines given to us by the State of Minnesota in order to create a safe environment for students.


Our volunteer team will create a contactless food service line with individually sealed food items for students.  Face coverings may be temporarily removed to eat or drink, but care will be taken to maintain as much space as possible between people, recognizing it is not always feasible to maintain 6 feet of distance from others.


We will ensure the availability of appropriate supplies to support healthy hygiene behaviors (e.g., soap, hand sanitizer, paper towels, disinfectant wipes, and tissues) and strategically place supplies in areas where they may be frequently used.

© 2021 STMA BREAKFAST CLUB  /  St. Michael, MN  /  501c3 Non-Profit  /  WEB DESIGN BY VOGEDESIGNS.COM

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